Posts tagged #30 days of blog

Incoming! 30 days of blogging

If you read my blog from time to time, you probably haven't had much of a choice. I will readily admit that I am a bad blogger, if only for the reason that I have not focused on being timely and consistent in my writing.

Well there is no better time for change than the present.

Starting tomorrow I will begin a 30 day blog commitment. I will write my thoughts on current topics in the coffee industry every day for the next 30 days. The purpose is twofold, in that I want to speak my mind as well as create the habit for myself to write. So here is my promise: no matter how busy I get, if I'm flying, working an event, teaching, or otherwise occupied I will make time to get my current musings typed and presented to you. There may be photos attached or just words for you to ponder, but there will be blog posts!

So let the writing begin. Thanks for reading!


Posted on September 4, 2017 and filed under Blog.