Barista competitions take hard work, sacrifice, humility, and support from others. This post will tell you about what it takes to reach the highest levels of competition and professionalism as a barista.
Posts tagged #Professionalism
30 Days of Blog - Day 20 - The Professional Varista
The professional barista role needs to be defined, and in my example I will call it the Varista
30 Days of Blog - Day 19 - Barista wages
The fight for better barista wages is a tough one. The solution requires redefining our positions in the cafe.
30 Days of Blog - Day 18 - Trade shows
Trade shows are a standard in most industries. What are our goals and intentions in attending these shows?
30 Days of Blog - Day 13 - Consumer and professional progress
As coffee professionals we usually want to change constantly, but your customers probably want comfort and familiarity.